Organic Products: what are they and why did they come to stay

31 August 2021

The consumption of natural products has skyrocketed in the recent years. It is not only about sensations, which still matter, of course, but about statistics: the data corroborate that BIO foods were never a fad nor a trend, but a change in the consumer mentality of our society, which live with them in total harmony.

According to the last research published in March 2021 by Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, the consumption of this kind of products have risen a 7,7% in Spain, when compared to the previous year. On the other hand, the data from the Instituto de Agricultura Orgánica tells that the area destined to this kind of crops grew in the last 12 months in almost a million of hectares.

In this post we tell you what BIO products are, how to identify them, some of the advantages of its consumption and why the data shows that their presence among us is a true reality. Keep on reading!

What are organic products

Organic products are organic products. This is something although it may seem obvious, it is not so obvious in the market, because there are brands that use the word “organic” with foods that don’t reach the 95% of organic ingredients that is required by law.

But besides organic products being also natural, these products have a European Union certification that qualifies them as such, guaranteeing to the consumers its provenance and traceability.

Which products are organic and which ones are not?

The main difference between both products is the labelling. The European Union certification that we mentioned above is the one that will tell us which products meet the requirements to be considered bio and which, even though they pretend to be organic, they are not.

Benefits of organic products

Organic foods present several advantages that should be considered for both consumers and the environment.

  • They are natural foods, meaning they have all their nutritional properties because in their growing process chemical substances haven not been used.
  • They are healthier than other foods, since they have not been in contact with chemicals, and because of that our organism assimilates them easier, improving our immune system and preventing diseases.
  • Organic products are more sustainable, because their production process is more environmentally friendly, which is also one of the requirements to be considered BIO. This kind of agriculture sustains flora and fauna by using less aerosols and generating less pollution.
  • Organic products have better quality because all their production process is controlled, since there is a law that they must meet.
  • They encourage animal wellbeing as the organic product law guarantees that animals have to live in semi freedom conditions, avoiding stress and with a normal growth.
  • Their taste is better because they have an artisanal elaboration that allows them to preserve this taste and its properties naturally.

From a fad to a trend; from a trend to a reality

Organic products are part of our everyday. They have been introduced which such a naturalness and strength that it seems that they have been with us all of our lives. Data shows that their consumption is not a fad and not even a trend, but a reality: according to AECOC 68% of consumers chose BIO products because they are “healthier and prevent illnesses”, and 45% say that they will continue buying them in the future.

Furthermore, this research emphasizes that 62% of organic product consumers started buying these products in the last 5 years, especially green vegetables and fruits. This reality affects not only out diet but also other members of the supply chain such as animals and their wellbeing and the use of electric vehicles for deliveries.

Statistics like these show the consolidation of the organic product market in our country, since the business has double since 2013 and makes Spain the leader producer of Europe and ranks tenth in terms of consumption of this type of products.

In Agromediterránea we have a organic product range with iceberg lettuce, zucchini, broccoli, radishes and sweet corn.