Biodiversity of agricultural soils

8 July 2021

Soil is the basis on which the agricultural sector is built, it is a necessity that it is given the importance that it deserves, not only as an element but also as an essential factor for optimal crop yields.

One of the most forgotten environmental issues is the biodiversity of agricultural soils. The organisms that grow in it play a fundamental role in agriculture and the proper production of food, nutrition and health. Given this major impact, soil biodiversity should be a matter of common concern for all.

Factors detrimental to soil biodiversity

The most detrimental factors to soil biodiversity are:

  • Overexploitation
  • Loss of natural habitats
  • Environmental pollution
  • Introduction of invasive exotic species
  • Population growth
  • Climate change

The loss of biodiversity triggers a series of events that severely affect agriculture. Promoting sustainable agriculture techniques not only saves soils, but also has multiple benefits in terms of food and the reduction of greenhouse gases. In recent years, different initiatives and projects have been launched to better understand all the functions of soil and how it interacts with plants and crops.

What’s on the floors?

This biodiversity is a complex system that concentrates many species underground and not at first sight. Among these organisms we can find:

  • Bacteria
  • Micro-organisms
  • Nutrients
  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus

Large colonies of organisms that we try to protect by keeping the soil alive with roots and plants. By trying to minimise the chemical fertilizers and pesticides used, by boosting the pollinating insect population.

A healthy soil will have healthy plants that produce healthy and nutritious fruits. For this reason, at Agromediterránea we are committed to caring for and knowing the biodiversity of the soil in order to obtain better agricultural products.