Soil is the basis on which the agricultural sector is built, it is a necessity that it is given the importance that it deserves, not only as an element but also as an essential factor for optimal crop yields. One of the most forgotten environmental issues is the biodiversity of agricultural soils. The organisms that …
Author archives: Taller Mediàtic
Cover crops
A millenary practice with numerous advantages Cover crops are an agricultural practice employed since the 17th century. It consists of the association of a living plant cover, in other words, plants that cover the soil for different reasons. This type of crop is used to support the secondary needs of the farmer and usually not …
The compostable packaging revolution
From plastic to compostable packaging Plastic is the most widely used material for food products and its daily use is widespread. In fact, when we think or talk about packaging, the most common thing we think of is plastic. The reduction of plastic is one of the great challenges that the agri-food industry must face …
What is the production of living vegetables?
What does the production of alive vegetalbes consist of? This is a very common question in the world of agricultural innovation. In reality, it is very simple: the idea is to offer living lettuces, keeping the root, so that the product reaches the consumer fresher. Trends in the consumption of fresh products But not only …
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Benefits of reverse logistics for the environment
Social and business commitment to the environment is one of the driving forces on which the 21st century is being built. As a matter of necessity, today´s society must take responsibility for reusing and reducing the waste we generate. At this point, reverse logistics takes on special relevance, not only because of the business and …
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What is hydroponic cultivation?
Hydroponic cultivation is a branch of agriculture that is booming due to its ease of producing 100% natural (in many cases it is difficult for people to see it as something natural) and sustainable food. If you still do not know what this method consists of, from Agromediterránea blog we tell you the most important …